Help Center » Todo for Slack


Tasks can be a part of a project. Project can be a public, or a private channel.

  • In a new task form modal click on a “Project” input


  • You can see multiple possible options to choose from.


Primary Project Message

Todo can send notifications to the channel about tasks that have this channel as a project.


This message will be updated whenever a task assigned to this project is updated.

Primary Project Message is pinned to the channel and can be found among other pinned messages on the channel




Find a Primary Project Message, click “⋯” and then “Configure”


Send channel message with updates

By default, updates to all the tasks in a project will be sent in a Primary Project Message on the channel. Depending on how much time has passed since the last message was sent, the message will be updated with new information, or a new one will be sent, replacing the previous one.


  • Check off this option and “Save” to stop sending new messages automatically. Instead, the pinned message will always be updated, new one will not be sent.


  • A message will be sent to the channel to let others know why they might not see new updates.


/todo list

Use the /todo list slash command to send Primary Project Message manually.

  • Type /todo list and press “⮐ Return” on your keyboard


  • Primary Project Message was sent and pinned to the channel


See: Who can see my tasks? See: How to create private tasks?

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