Help Center » Memo for Slack

Viewing past acknowledgements

All the ongoing and past requests and acknowledgements can be easily viewed from the Memo’s App Home page in Slack.

App Home

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Your App Home might contain any of the 3 views, depending on your Memo usage.

Pending all the requests that are awaiting your acknowledgement
Acknowledged all of your past acknowledgements
Requested all the requests that you have sent and asked the acknowledgement of others

Clicking the “View” button will take you to the requests overview thread message.

Opening App Home

  • If you’ve used Memo before, you might see it in your sidebar under “Apps”. Just click the “Memo - Confirm Read” name and you should be taken to the “Home” tab.


  • If you have not used Memo before, click “+ Add apps”


  • Search for “memo” and click on the search result item

    image (1).png

  • Click “Home” tab


  • Alternatively, if you see a message sent by memo, you can hover over the name or avatar and click “Go to app”


  • And then the “Home” tab


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